The Genius of Selutron

Selutron is not only a huge Superman fan, but a visionary. I ordinarily do not promote fan edits, but in this case I can’t say enough good things about Selutron’s Superman II work.

As you will see, Selutron used footage and individual elements re-composited from the Christopher Reeve films to create some cool clips that get your mind thinking about further possibilities with the Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut.

Selutron, and others, have hopes of Warner Bros. one day releasing a definitive Donner Superman Part I & II complete saga on DVD and Blu-ray. CapedWonder™.com has no additional information to share at this time. Please do not bombard us with questions. You can count on us to post updates if anything “official” develops from this project.

Selutron has closed his YouTube account, so CapedWonder™.com is now the exclusive source for his brilliant Superman work. Thank you Selutron for your dedication, talent and unique vision.

Please visit

2015 Update from Selutron

Donner/Mankiewicz Superman II Ending

Warmest greetings to CapedWonder and Superman fans.

With the addition of some fresh tweaks, HD upgrading and a few other bits and pieces, here is the “Donner/Mankiewicz Superman II ending” concept clip which Mank very graciously watched back in 2007.

Unlike most of the other “Selutron” clips, I held onto this one for two reasons: Firstly, with all the storyboards, temp music and other rough edges, it requires considerable suspension of disbelief to take-in as a viable dramatic presentation. I was reluctant to have it stand next to the other more polished clips. Secondly, as many of you will know, I had hoped that a “new, secret ending” hook might be a strong selling point should Warners ever want to go back and undertake a more thorough restoration attempt of the Donner Superman II footage.

Alas, time goes by, and for Sel it’s time to move on… Economics is the cold hard reality by which studios make decisions. “Should” and “right thing to do” and “would be great” and all the rest of it really don’t sway decisions one bit. In this case, there really is no hope that such a fresh restoration effort will be funded any time soon. If anything, market forces appear to be going the other way (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on Blu-Ray anyone?).

So, if you can, watch and hopefully enjoy. It should be a bit of a tearjerker ending, you know – but one that ends with an unbridled sense of happiness. That is the intention, anyway…


Spoiler alert from hereon: So why this? “Explain yourself!” I suspect not everyone will find this a viable ending. But it appeared to offer narrative closure for the Superman two-parter. Superman learns a hard lesson. He disobeyed his father, broke the rules, and paid a very high price. But we end on a note of hope, forgiveness and redemption – and we come full circle (of course, Clark is going to pay for Lois’ pizza!!). Jor-El gives the world a Super kiss of sorts…he bids farewell to his son with a loving smile. The son becomes the father…

Of the new Donner footage revealed in “The Donner Cut” the most lovely for me was the end scene at the Daily Planet. No odd 2006 music cues to spoil things. No dodgy editing or effects. Just a simple resurrected moment of original 1970s movie magic. How to use that? How to avoid an ending that loses it? How to not end the movie on a petty act of revenge by Clark in the diner?

Conversely, the scene that never seemed to work for me was the re-powering in the middle of the movie. It seemed predictable (argues with dad, leaves, comes back, gets powers back), and also odd for Jor-El to end his relationship with his son on such a down, vitriolic note: “Have your powers back, but screw you and I’m outta here!”. Where’s the redemption? Where are Donner’s upbeat Americana and Mankiewicz’s biblical themes in all this?

I’m absolutely sure Dick and Mank would have had the same discussion had they resumed filming in 1979. The dynamics of the script changed when they tore the ending of II and made it the ending of I. That would have necessitated some further surgery. I believe this may have been it. But, as Tom wrote me: “Who knows…?”

Thanks to everyone who has supported this effort over the years! And thanks to Sarah Douglas for saying some nice things about my work (I had a crush on Ursa as a kid!)

My best,

Twitter: @TheSelutron

2013 Update from Selutron

I’m pleasantly surprised that people continue to express an interest in the possibilities related to having another go at sprucing up SII – (or issuing some kind of restored Superman part I and II complete saga type release). I think that much will be dictated by simple economics – if the new Superman movie does well at the box office, then the “property” of Superman rises in perceived value. That will then be the time to really move with a fresh pitch.

I know that is a view shared by a lot of people: a wasted pitch too soon may fall on deaf ears – but strike while the proverbial iron is hot and there’s no reason why WB wouldn’t see the value of such a restoration/re-release project. I can only speculate what the current official feeling is, but I would guess that it is something along the lines of: “Right now, we don’t want to be looking back, but forward. Let’s prove that a new flagship can stand on its own two feet and keep the franchise fresh and profitable. If that works, then that rising ship will undoubtedly lift other boats in the family.”

Apologies for the less than perfect metaphor there, but hopefully this all makes sense. Put simply, if Man of Steel is a hit, then WB will definitely be hearing from a number of us (in unison) who want to put this together.

I went back and finished off the intro, changing one or two things and adding a recap. I know some people who are very familiar with the movies may think its a bit long, but I think a general audience would need to get into the movie this way (that’s what I always tried to keep in mind making these things), plus lots and lots of action and Supes at the start balances off the lack of Supes or Sup action for a big chunk of SII thereafter in both Donner’s and Lester’s versions. It’s like bang and then you want a breather. There’s a slight tribute to Mank in there: Chris Reeve’s opening line being essentially the same as Brando’s in the first movie (“this is no fantasy”).

Why the post time travel? Lois’ line about having been through an earthquake doesn’t appear to make sense otherwise. If Supes travels back in time and stops the missiles then what is Lois talking about? What earthquake? What caused it? So the idea was to have some fun trying to come up with an explanation for that – one missile went off very quickly, the other a lot later. In Superman’s second go, he goes after the other one first but it still goes off and causes a small earthquake.

Why the extended clip thereafter? The main reason is that the next time we see Lois and Clark, Lois is jumping out of a window convinced she knows Clark is Superman. It seemed a bit out of the blue, so the hope is that showing a hint of Lois’ burgeoning suspicion keys the audience in a little earlier. When she says, “wait a minute, wait a minute” – that’s the key to the later scene at the Daily Planet. And the, “who knows, maybe he’ll get lucky” is something of an omen. The Lois/Superman relationship we’re about to see won’t be that lucky for the rest of us earthlings. Plus, the joke about Superman saying, “I’ve been a little busy”.

The hope would be not how this intro plays by itself, but in terms of setting up the movie: Son disobeys father because he can’t live without one human and that disobedience leads to the release of the villains – and Lois thinks she knows something…and, as mentioned, deliberately exhaust the audience a little in terms of action, so now they want a breather and are ready to watch a Lois/Clark love story develop and the slow buildup of the Zod and Lex stuff.

Thanks to everyone,

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3 years ago

Hi everybody !

I do not know if this project is or not finished or if Selutron is working on it.
However, all that I have seen is excellent.

But it seems that there is a problem on how to finish the film …
Even the own Selutron does not known very well what to do …
He/She has proposed a possible ending …
This proposed end requires a lot of work,
Moreover, this ending introduces a lot of changes to the original script of Superman II
(the version of TOM MANKIEWICZ of 1977)

Perphaps, Selutron tries to solve some incongruences derived from the returning on time back at the end of Superman II
A time travel is something that always have problems, and it must be avoided:

a) As Superman returns in time at the begining of Superman II, it is as all the film nerver happen. This is very sadly, because you have seen something that actually has not happen at all.
b) When returning time at the beginning of Superman II, all the thing that happen at the beginning of the film should be repeated … but everybody has a dejuvu…
c) Instead of having a dejavu, Lois should get again the newspaer and draw over the photograph of Superman the suit of Clark … and again all the things that happen at the begining of the film

d) If nothing in Superman II has happen … it has no sense that Superman goes at the end to the driver (fast food restaurant) and hits him
e) If nothing in Superman II has happen… how has Lois a child from Superman in then film “Superman Returns”
Traveling in time is FORBIDDEN by Jorel . In Superman I, Kalel broke this law because he is in love with Lois (love is a good reason for breaking a important law)
But in Superman II, there is not a strong reason for breaking so important LAW imposed by Jorel

However… I think that the best option could be CUT the final … in other words:

let than Lois knows than Superman and Clark is the same person…
deleting the second returning in time of Superman II
In fact… the last scene where Lois should appear in the film should be when Superman let her in the terrace of her appartment and she said:
UP, UP and …
After this scene …
I proposed this one:

And this one more:

I think …
a) There is not any problem if Lois knows that Superman is Clark
b) Superman loves Lois, so he should trust in her, she will not reveal his secret

5 years ago

I hope the lack of recent comments doesn’t mean the project has been abandoned. I Really like the reworked scenes. An ultimate version, as I see it, would be along the lines of the original script. With Superman and Lois starting the interview in the daytime, and being interrupted as Superman runs the gauntlet and drinks the acid, not finding Lex. Then later meeting him at the volcano and having the kryptonite there. Not missing either missile and the movie ends with the villains loose. Superman II was very different in that story as well. The terrorists are in Metropolis. The kryptonian villains land in Australia first. Superman gets his powers back due to a crystal Eve has as a necklace. In the end the villains, including Lex, all end up in the Zone. That last part could be easiest of all, since a hologram of the prism is in the Donner version while Lex and Eve watch recordings.

Roy Heintzelman
8 years ago


Weren’t you doing an Ultimate Edition of the first Superman movie a while back, that was a complete cut of all of the different versions? Whatever happened with that? Is it available to download anywhere?


8 years ago

Firstly I am NOT talented as Selutron is. Awesome editor. The start of Superman II is good from Selutron. If I had the talent Selutron has i would have that as also the ending of Superman The Movie Selutron Edition. I am NOT Selutron I have ideas I wanted to give Selutron, So His Superman The Movie is inline with his Superman II edits. I don’t mind having the world turned back twice to be honest so the 3 villains get put back in space. I couldn’t do what Selutron can do. I wouldn’t know how to do anything like that at all. I can’t edit anything at all I don’t have the talent to do that.

In my world I would have had Superman take the Missiles into space, and free the Villains, instead of turning the world back in Superman The Movie i would have had Superman have the power to bring Ms Lane alive again by touching her.

8 years ago

This is the ending I would have liked for Superman II “The ending I would have done is Superman make new Phantom Zone and put Zod, Ursa and Non back in that and put them back in space. Then Superman goes to the Moon brings those Astronauts back to earth and brings them back to life. he is doing that without turning the world back. That way they could have used Zod, Ursa and Non in future films. That is how I would have done it” Selutron has done a great job as always. I like Donner over Lester any day. I would have like Zod, Ursa and non either in Superman IV or Superman V. And they should have always kept Brando in there. You never know they may have made more movies and I think Superman II and Superman IV would have been far better had Donner done them. JMO

Jason Viglione
11 years ago

I really like what you have done with these scenes, especially the Washington D.C. footage, I would really like to see you tackle the rest of the film. I hope to see more from you in the future.

Dave M.
11 years ago

Holy crap. Bravo. Much more energy and impact than the Donner cut. I think he would agree.

One additional suggestion for the opening…
Have movie (between curtains) playing in black and white at first (transition to color close to end)?

Much Respect…

11 years ago

First, thanks a lot to Selutron.
I am a mad on Superman since I was a child. When I was around six, I spent all day running from one part to another with a long towel fasten to my neck imagining I were Superman. Without any doubt Superman and its sequels are my favourite films.

The work of Selutron is fantastic. He is a genius.
But I want to help giving some advice in order to improve the final result.

1) In the introduction, at the very beginning, there are a few sequences with a conversation between Luthor and Superman. When this conversation starts, neither of them appears in the image (they appear later but with no synchrony between voice and image). Any case,
it seems very strange hearing people without seeing them.
For me, the ideal would be combining your introduction with the introduction provided by Michael Tau. If you start with the sequences provided by Tau til the point when the rockets are thrown. Then you could start with your new intro.

2) In the sequence in the hotel, the beginning of this sequence showing the external facade of the hotel is too long. Please reduce this sequence.

3) There is a problem (paradox) when Superman comes back in time. What happend with the Superman that was in the past trying to deviate the rocket sent to Hackensack. Could he meet with the Superman that has come back from the future?
It is very complicated to think about that, but this type of problems appears in all films that play with time travel.

I will put more comments in the future.

Nate Ruff
11 years ago

Mr. Selutron; I want to thank you for coming aboard in your mission to recreate Superman II, as well as restoring and recutting it as well. Please, DO NOT let those who are coming across as critical to you affect you in any way, shape or form, to what you are doing. I saw those clips above on this webpage, and I’am totally blown away, and at the end I felt what everyone else felt: I want this movie. That tells you that what you are doing is great, and I’m really excited to see this. You’re actually doing something that I didn’t think was possible; you’re making me fall in love with Superman II just as much as I love Superman I. I didn’t dislike nor hate Superman II, I just didn’t really care for it. Much of it was based on the different cuts and executions to this one storyline that led to two movies; one complete but comical and cynical, the other heartwarming but incomplete and with the feeling of anger from a director towards the producers and another director whom he fought and lost. What you are doing is beyond what anyone, including those who did the Donner Cut back in 2006, thought of: explaining what Superman did when he reversed time from Superman I IN Superman II; moving the villains’ battle from a southern town into Washington DC, thus making them more threatening; combining all the cuts and in turn crafting a more developed story than either cut tried to do; you are one of many examples of people who Hollywood needs to hire. I cannot explain to you more of what I’am feeling towards what you are doing with this.

I don’t know if I should ask this, but no matter what, what version, if there is one other thing that bothered me (and all of us) from Superman II (Donner/Lester cuts), and to be honest, what bothers me about what your cut will have, it’s the ending. This is more to Lois & Clark/Superman’s story, than the movie itself. Lester’s cut with the kiss, Donner’s cut with the second reversal of time; both endings don’t feel right for me. I don’t know what your plans are for the ending, though I should suggest it should be something that isn’t ridiculous but feels right, and maybe uses all the endings as materials to build a totally new ending. But if I may give a suggestion: from the Donner cut, if there was a scene that I could see as an ending (to the Lois & Clark/Superman story), it would’ve been the scene where they are outside the Fortress (Lois: I got the man I love to love me, right…Superman: We can still s-see each other, y’know. All the time. It’s just that we can’t– Lois: Just don’t ever forget that’s all…) That scene. If the movie ended with that scene, maybe followed by them saying good night, see you at work in the morning as voiceovers, then the diner scene, the White House with the flag, and finally the classic Superman over earth shot; that, for me, would’ve been a fine way to end the film, giving the sense of hope to the relationship, and knowing that they still love each other, and that no one, or nothing, can seperate them. That would’ve been a better ending, for me. I dont know if that’s in your plans; maybe/most likely you have a better idea than mine that you’ll be using that still has the same affect. It’s just that the ending(s) was one of the many reasons why I don’t care/didn’t care for Superman II, so the ending I considered or something similar would ultimately change that.

So, like I said; I’am very excited for this. I love what you are doing. Please don’t anyone who is coming across as critical to you affect in any way from doing what you are doing. Thanks to you, I’am falling in love with Superman II, a film I didn’t care for. You are not giving us an improved version of any cut, but a better executed version of a movie that had many cooks in the kitchen affecting it, and in turn, executed it in a way that made us love Superman I than its sequel, and tried to forget itexisted to some degree. I trust you.

Before I go, I just want to ask: when is this going to be released? I really want to see this movie. Oh, and the title? Superman II: The Ultimate Cut? Selutron Cut? Recut? What do you have in mind? All I ask is for the film itself to just have Superman II as the title card.

Thanks! See you later.

Joe Oree
12 years ago

This absolutely BLEW ME AWAY!! If one were imagine via time travel, the scenario of Donner never having been fired after Superman part I, well, this is basically it!

Jim Crowley
12 years ago

Selutron (If you receive this),

I love your dedication to the restoration of Superman II. Many of your ideas, especially the Washington D.C. invasion, I feel are totally logical. But mind you, it may not be Donner’s original vision, and from what it looks like there is a LOT of Lester footage and execution. I understand its used for the plot holes and stuff Donner didn’t shoot, but I would try to keep his vision from being muddled. I don’t mean to insult your work at all, but the prequel with the trial of the villains (with the new angles) at the beginning of Michael Thau’s cut was perfect. Are you going to have Donner’s approval or what will happen?

I’m sorry if this is insulting to you. I suppose I love Richard Donner’s footage more compared to Lester’s, because Donner is one of my favorite directors. But there is one thing I’m REALLY looking forward to in your cut… the Metropolis battle. From looking at the D.C. clip, I can’t imagine how awesome Metropolis would be. I am very happy to see that you will restore the 70s opening credits too. I didn’t like the one Thau used and so I’m really pumped to see that with John Williams’ music.

To you and Jim Bowers, who setup an awesome site for Chris Reeve and Dick Donner, I salute you both.

Keep up the Good Work Fellas!


12 years ago

Amazing work. Hope that Warner Bros. sees the potential revenue opportunity and invests in another go at providing a proper edit of Superman 2 that honors this film and the legacy that Reeve and Donner built.

12 years ago

Selutron i think your idea, is great! i’m a method actor and try to cover every hole in a screenplay or play is my job, i love to see your astonish labour of love on these Donner’s movies, you have find the right explanation to justified entirely the end of the first movie… in a way sooo good your opening for the second one put new life in the end part of superman the movie! like empire strike back put new energy in a new hope or the two tower prologue when we follow gandalf fight and not the fellowship… right now when i see the first one end i think about your opening for the second one… i really hope Warner hire you for a new fresh and definitive version of superman II, that film have sooo much potential in terms of drama and epic…. i think just you can give the right respect to this movie… cause your work is full of love… Selutron don’t stop the dream… thank you! and thank jim… your efforts too, your passion… are so important! if one day i will see the two part saga in a definitve way will be because of you both… and warner too of course…

Zammone Lasker
12 years ago

Selutron’s proposed opening of Superman II is one of the most fantastic, exciting, and nostalgic inducing film clips I’ve ever seen. I truly hope Warner Brothers is paying close attention to Selutron’s level of creativity and editorial skill – needed to give fans a ‘truer’ and more balanced presentation of the 2nd part of Director Richard Donner’s Superman epic.

I’m quite optimistic about Warner Brothers allowing Superman II to be re-edited, and put more in sync with its predecessor; when the timing is right, I believe the studio will do the right thing; and I guarantee I’ll do the right thing as a consumer.

Good work Selutron.

12 years ago

Superman I and II, Donner, Christopher Reeve and movie history deserve a better restored version of this great Epic adventure, like a two part saga… Selutron deserve all superman fan attention cause he show us a great love about this two movies and for Donner work… if Warner listen to him, future generation who will discover this two classic movies… will be able to see a great epic in two part, like Star Wars OT, Lord of the Rings and and few other great cult… i really hope Warner some day will understand the astonish work of Donner on Superman Material… Selutron, Jim, i want to thank you cause your love about Mr Reeve and Donner let me travel back in time when for the first time i saw my first movie at the cinema…. when Brando face broke the silver screen to go directly inside my dream…. thank you for your efforts to keep movie memory so vivid and live… Jim, you and Selutron are the green crystal! Please Warner look at these clips and produce Selutron vision!

12 years ago

ASTONISH!!!!!!!! great intro i love Selutron Work! Warner please let him create the final version of the superman two part saga!

Kaptain Krypton
12 years ago

Man, this needs to see the light of day. Even now, I can’t watch either The Donner or Lester cuts and not see what could’ve been, what should’ve been, and with Selutron’s skills…could still be.

12 years ago

thnak you Selutron for the update… is so beautiful have news from you, i really hope you keep our dream live! please Selutron don’t stop your efforts on this project, warner must understand the value of your idea and vision!

13 years ago

I’m a fan of the Selutron project, i really hope he don’t stop his efforts about it, and i hope near the new superman movie Selutron and Donner can work on a definitve two part saga on blueray!

Selutron i’m still crossing my fingers!

Chris Buckmister
13 years ago

Sure would be nice to see this released alongside the projected 2012 reboot. Those clips are great!