Artist Francesco Accattatis Honors Christopher Reeve



I am an Italian CG artist. What I really love to do is to create. My father is an artist, and a researcher in life. He taught me many things, from hand-crafted objects, to sculpture and painting, freedom and philosophic thoughts. I grew up in a house full of art, music (my father plays the piano almost everyday). My mother is a gentle literary woman; she taught me kindness, sensitiveness, responsibility. Sculpture, I have to tell, is my natural talent. Living in a digital era, I obviously landed into making three dimensional virtual figures and characters professionally, which is the natural consequence I think. The process of giving life to a character in virtual world, resemble human creation very closely, and is becoming more and more sophisticated day by day.

I had my experiences to grow, I’ve studied at school of arts in Rome, I worked as a freelance at first, making CD-Rom contents, animation; employee then, making 3D scenes and characters, and I ran my own company for a while in Italy, working on visual effects and digital animation. Then I finally decided to move overseas to Japan, which I always was attracted to. Now I work as 3D character designer for video-games industry.

My thought about making the video, and the impact Christopher Reeve had in my life:

When I was a kid and I first saw Superman the movie, all at once it became a model of virtue to take inspiration from. A flying angel that uses all of his power to help people, but still keep all of his humanity. Since then I use to recall that feeling often, trying hard to make up my mind, to be the best person I can ever be, although I can fail sometimes, because I’m human after all. Nevertheless, I keep on trying…

I believe that every man and woman can be a hero in his own personal way. Keep on trying, fall and stand up again, fail and learn from failure, keeping faith in what one believes more valuable. The ancient myth of being a hero is something that moves you ahead, to take courage and face troubles in life, raising the human spirit to a higher level…

The way Christopher Reeve brought to life the character of Kal-El and his alter-ego Clark Kent was unique. He gave such depth to the character, showing the very human qualities in every sense. In real life he was and will always be the real super man for many people. Someone who struggled for the good in his life. He was willing to make the difference, and after the terrible accident he had, that forced him on a wheelchair for the rest of his life, he kept on fighting against his condition, determined to walk again, and taking action to help others…a real hero who deserves great respect.

I remember how I was touched, deep inside, and I felt very close to him when I heard about his accident; it was quite shocking and surprising news at the same time. I suddenly realized that it wasn’t simply a case of casualties, but something profoundly meaningful, for everyone of us… something that moves you inside, and makes you think about destiny and the meaning of life itself…When he passed away, I couldn’t simply accept it, I desperately wanted to do something.

Making this video gave me the opportunity to express those feelings. I had to do it with very limited time and resources, spending nights and weekends on my not so powerful notebook at home. I worked on it on my spare time, tired from work. It really was a challenge for me. It took me more than a year and half, but here it is. For me, just having the possibility to bring back to the audience such a great figure, was an exiting and important message to give. To keep alive the fire of the torch, the guiding light to show the way.

Francesco Accattatis

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Karl Wrigley
12 years ago
Reply to  Trevor Hodgson

I Salute you sir for passing on the legacy to your children

Karl Wrigley
12 years ago

Christopher Reeve was a legend through out my child hood he was my idol and my hero most of all he was my Superman and now we are expecting our first baby in december and he will grow up knowing the legend and the hero that his daddy idolised the hero that is Christopher Reeve.

12 years ago

I was really sad when I heard this monnrig while driving to work :-(I’m not sure why, though maybe because I hoped he would be able to walk again someday. Or maybe because, like you, I grew up watching his movies.

Filippe Langbehn
12 years ago

Jim, consegui localizar seu facebook e espero poder fazer parte do seu grupo de amigos !!! Atenciosamente Filippe Langbehn

Filippe Langbehn
12 years ago

Vocês estão de parabéns pelo fantástico vídeo em 3D do Christopher Reeve !!! Jim esse seu site é realmente fantástico e eu sempre estou conectado juntamente com meu filho Caio Henrique que também e um viciado no CAPEWONDER !!!

12 years ago
Reply to  fan de españa

Leave a comment erilaer but I think I did well, but here they have another, this video is amazing and is a good job, I like, is the best I’ve seenCongratulatios from mexico

12 years ago
Reply to  raul millan

Gracias por este fantastico video, me han saidlo le1grimas de emocif3n de volver a ver a christopher reeve aunque fuera en 3d, gracias, gracias , gracias. Por cierto, si algun dia tienes tiempo podrias hacer la escena de superman salvando a loir del helicoptero (bueno seria mas complicado)o mejor la de la terraza con lois y la estatua de la libertad con la musica de read my mind . Eres un crack. Deberian llamarte para hacer la peli con reeve en 3d., pero lo tuyo se agradece sigue asi, no cambies.

12 years ago

Beautiful in every sense of the word!

Trevor Hodgson
12 years ago

I’m sitting here with my three children passing on the story to the next generation. Lovely animation. Lovely site. Good stuff.

raul millan
12 years ago

Leave a comment earlier but I think I did well, but here they have another, this video is amazing and is a good job, I like, is the best I’ve seen

Congratulatios from mexico

Max Chaves Silva
13 years ago

Greetings from Costa Rica, excellent animation of Mr. Accattatis and great web site of Mr. Jim Bowers!!

13 years ago

Great video very nice. Christopher Reeve will always be superman to me.

13 years ago
Reply to  fan de españa

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed the video!


fan de españa
13 years ago

Gracias por este fantastico video, me han salido lágrimas de emoción de volver a ver a christopher reeve aunque fuera en 3d, gracias, gracias , gracias. Por cierto, si algun dia tienes tiempo podrias hacer la escena de superman salvando a loir del helicoptero (bueno seria mas complicado)

o mejor la de la terraza con lois y la estatua de la libertad con la musica de “read my mind” . Eres un crack. Deberian llamarte para hacer la peli con reeve en 3d., pero lo tuyo se agradece sigue asi, no cambies.