David Michael Petrou, Author of The Making of Superman-The Movie

The Making of Superman-The Movie paperback book is the definitive insight to the filming of Richard Donner’s Superman-The Movie and Superman II (commonly known now as Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut), and author David Michael Petrou is the man behind the stories.

I fondly remember buying David’s book the day after I saw Superman-The Movie on the big screen in December of 1978. I devoured every word, hungry to know how the movie was made and more about the amazing cast and crew who became a true family while filming in England, New York City, Canada, New Mexico and other locations in 1977 and 1978. I’ve read David’s book a few times since then and it continues to completely captivate me all over again. Superman-The Movie soared beyond my wildest dreams – Magic was made – and thanks to David, the movie changed my life forever!

David is a “swell” guy and a delight. He is also a fellow CapedWonder and friend. He has been very active on Caped Wonder Superman Podcast Facebook Page, always happy to share lots of great behind-the-scenes stories, facts and wonderful memories. It is a blessing and honor to have David as part of our “same team”. He has stated time and time again over the past couple of years that the experiences of being on the Superman sets in 1977 and 1978 were the happiest times in his life. We believe it!

Thank you dear David for writing this amazing book and being an important part of the CapedWonder family. All of the fans and I look forward to reading many more “Super Stories” from you in the coming years.

Please enjoy the photos below of David’s book (including scans of the photos that appear in the book itself), as well as rare, behind-the-scenes photos of David with fellow cast and crew members. Many more behind-the-scenes photos from the CapedWonder Collection will be added to the gallery over time, so be sure to check back.

Did you know that David actually starred in Superman-The Movie? That’s right! He was the Smallville football team’s manager! See the Blu-ray screenshots featured below – David is wearing a hat and dark jacket holding a clipboard. Watch for him the next time you enjoy the movie.

You can read The Making of Superman-The Movie by visiting Goodreads.

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11 months ago

Mr. Petrou’s book is what got me interested in the art of film-making, and to pursue similar “behind the scenes” accounts like “Final Cut” (about the making of “Heaven’s Gate”) and “The Devil’s Candy” (the making of “Bonfire of the Vanities”).
I must have purchased the THE MAKING OF SUPERMAN THE MOVIE at least three or four times because of how often I re-read the book to the point where it got worn down and fell apart. The book had an influence on my life and sparked interests which remain with me today. Thank you, Mr. Petrou, for your work!